Our U.S. Economy has been hit hard with many life changing hardships, but we have always rebounded. We are currently in a complete economic shut down, where people are quarantined to stay home. We are so thankful for our essential workers during this time of risk (our Healthcare workers, Law Enforcement, First Responders, Energy, Public Works, Animal Shelters, Manufacturing, and our Local Grocery workers, etc.) Will the American Economy become extinct like the dinosaurs? Never!! We will rebound and become a more successful and hopefully more independent nation. Now is the time to connect with your prospects!!
We have a family member with a 4 year old son that has recently said, “I want to write letters and mail pictures to my family of what I am doing at home in Colorado”, in hopes that he will get a returned response letter. The nostalgia of opening a card, letter, mail piece or package will never go away, even in the youngest of generations. It is like opening a Christmas present still to many.
Direct mail is an intimate way to market. It takes time, it takes effort and it shows.
If we could have forecasted this shutdown, we all could have prepared mailings and communications ahead of time. Unfortunately, none of us have a crystal ball. All we can do is make a move based on what we know now. People are sitting at home, bored, lonely and looking for something. Looking for some normalcy. What if your mail piece or catalog was in their mailbox right now? People are looking for your restaurant that will be open in a few weeks or that is currently open for delivery. People are looking for a multitude of home renovation products and services. People are still looking for insurance, medical, and dental needs that have been put on hold until the economy restarts. Parents are thinking about their children that will need new school supplies, clothing, and sporting equipment. People will always have a need for new cars and furniture. FORECASTING is key in these situations. Although we are temporarily on hold, Spring and Summer are coming and nothing can stop that.
We will come back stronger than ever. Now is the time to communicate! People are home bound and can’t wait to get back out. Imagine you had your message in their hands right now. If you only knew what consumers would be doing now a few weeks ago. If you could have forecasted that they would be sitting at home isolated, bored, and thriving for connection. What would you have done? Now is the time to to communicate and REACH OUT to your targeted prospects. Remember, like Newman always says, “The Mail Never Stops”.
Now is the time to take the bull by the horns. Take away the fear and move forward. Market your business. We are America. We are Strong. We will Persevere!!
So Yes, you should be marketing now through all media outlets. Stay safe and healthy friends!
If you have any Marketing needs whether you need a mailing list, marketing strategies, want to talk about where we go from here or just want to discuss the economic windfalls, Marketing Lists Direct is here. We are America, we are a family, we are a team, we are one nation (under God) and we will come back stronger than ever! #AMERICA STRONG!!
Call us at 1-877-241-2718 to talk direct, use our chat button below or click here for our contact page. We will get through this. We would love to hear from you. Again, stay safe and we will grow from this! We will always make sure to be available to you.