CBD is a molecular component of the cannabis plant that has become quite popular as alternative medicine in the last few years. A lot of this prevalence has to do with spreading statewide medical marijuana legalization. As of now, 30 US states have legalized the use of medical marijuana, which also includes CBD oils and topicals.

CBD products are still comparatively new commercial commodities. Moreover, they still don’t have unconditional federal approval. Due to these reasons, it is still an under-marketed item. This situation provides CBD businesses a golden opportunity for using localized marketing made possible via direct mail to promote their products.

There are various reasons why direct mail can be an effective tool for local marketing for CBD products.

You Can Be Certain of the Jurisdictions

The online world has blurred physical boundaries. However, MMJ legislations are not made in compliance with digital and online practices. An online CBD store operating out of one state can’t effectively run its marketing throughout the digital spectrum due to the varying legal status of the product in different geographical locations.

In contrast, when you use direct mail, you have the room to carefully select the zip codes and geographical locations where CBD products are legal. In short, the tricky legal status of CBD makes localized marketing through direct mail an ideal way of promotion.

Consumers Have More Reasons to Trust You

When you reach out to consumers with a localized approach, you actually give them more reasons to trust you. A direct mail promoting CBD products with a personalized touch will surely help in effectively reaching out to all those people who might have doubts regarding the legality and purity of the CBD products.

Mailing List Selections Facilitate the Promotions

Your localized marketing of legal CBD products can get a lot of help from different assortments of targeted mailing lists. Let’s see how:

A growing body of evidence is substantiating the remedial effects of CBD extracts for various medical conditions. For instance, epilepsy is one of the major qualifying conditions for legal MMJ use in nearly every state. With the help of ailment mailing list selections that entail all the self-reported data of epileptic patients in a particular zip code, you can effectively promote your CBD products among a cohort of strong prospects.

People suffering from clinical depression, insomnia, and migraine also experience improvement in their condition with the use of CBD extracts.  You can also reach out to all those patient cohorts through ailment mailing lists.

In a similar manner, you can also use response mailing lists to get to the recipients who are interested in CBD products.

All things considered, direct mail can be effectively put to use for localized marketing of CBD products given that you are using updated targeted mailing lists. To get clean and updated selections, get in touch with any experienced mailing list broker.

Direct mail marketing can also be used for the promotion of landscaping businesses, read this blog post to find more about it.