Financial advisors have continued to have great success filling seats at their seminars with financially targeted mailing lists. Households are a lot more cautious with their money and investing in this economy. A seminar mailing postcard will normally invite a household with one guest to a free lunch or dinner at a local restaurant and allows for a more personalized sales pitch. Financial seminar marketing campaigns can easily be created with investment mailing lists. The response rate with such a great offer and targeting list will typically get a higher rate of return when compared to other mailers.
A popular mailing list used for seminar mailings would include selecting by ages, typically 45+, home ownership, net worth and income or income producing assets. Income producing assets is a great selection to add to your list criteria, since this is based on a household’s financial situation. This select is pulling based on the amount of money they currently have invested. You can also use a senior mailing list with income producing assets.
Once you create a targeted mailing list, the next step is to decide where to offer the free lunch or dinner. Most local restaurants will offer a discounted rate since there will be typically 20 -30 people in their restaurant at a time. This restaurant will be the starting point for the radius to select the geography of your mailing list. With the above household selections, you can now pull a radius report from the restaurant location. Normally, it is suggested to stay within 15 miles of the restaurant, as most couples will not drive over 15 miles even for a free meal.
Your financial seminar mailing postcard should contain a website to register, a phone number to call, and a return card to RSVP to attend the free lunch/dinner seminar. You want to give your prospects as many avenues as possible to respond to your mailing. It is normal practice to set the seminar a week or so out from your mailer and phone verify all attendees a day or two before the actual seminar to ensure their attendance.
A financial seminar mailing gives you the opportunity to spoke to your prospects face to face and create a comforting environment. This also gives you the opportunity to capture more of their personal information including current investments, retirement goals, and their email addresses to stay in contact. This form of direct mail marketing with a seminar mailing campaign is a great way to get in front of your prospects and close a deal in person. These seminar mailing lists can be purchased from any mailing list provider.